Ericoideae Key
1. Plants shrubs, trees, or lianas; embryo with differentiated         
   cotyledons. . . . . . .4                                
 4. Pollen shed in tetrads; seeds lacking a vascular bundle in raphe;  
    anthers usually lacking a fibrous endothecium (except Bejaria),    
    opening by pores or slits . . . .5                                 
5. Flowers wind-pollinated, inconspicuous, imperfect, with perianth of 
   distinct tepals, the stigma flabellate to pinnatifid; leaves always 
   ericoid . .                                                         
   . . . .Ericoideae, Empetreae.                                       
5. Flowers usually ± showy and insect or bird pollinated, usually      
   perfect, with perianth of a calyx and usually sympetalous corolla,  
   the stigma truncate to ± capitate, rarely cup-shaped or 
   funnel-shaped ;leaves ericoid to broad and flat. .6
 6. Anthers tetrasporangiate, dithecal; leaves pinnate to palmately     
    veined;stamens usually twice the number of corolla lobes,           
    occasionally reduced and equaling the corolla lobes . . . . . . . 13
    13. Ovary superior; anthers usually lacking tubules. . . . .  . . 14
     14. Anthers inverting early in development of the flower; fruit    
         lacking an endocarp, usually dehiscent; ± several to numerous  
         ovules per locule. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
      15. Corolla persistent; leaves ericoid. . . Ericoideae, Ericeae,  
      15. Corolla deciduous; leaves ericoid to broad and flat . . . 16  
       16. Fruit a ± septicidal capsule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17  
        17. Stamens epipetalous 2/3 length of filament. . . Diplarche   
        17. Stamens not adnate to corolla. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18   
         18. Endothecium present and fibrous; flowers more than 5-
             merous. . . . . . . . . . . . Bejarieae, (Bejaria)
         18. Endothecium lacking, or present and lacking a fibrous 
             layer; flowers 4 or 5-merous. . . . . . . . . . . .19
          19. Seeds papillose; pedicel lacking bracteoles; 
              filaments smooth. Daboecia (Ericoideae, Ericeae).
          19. Seeds not papillose; pedicel with 2 bracteoles; 
              filaments roughened or unicellular-pubescent. .20
           20. Leaves ericoid; viscin threads usually absent
               . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
            21. Petals distinct. Ericoideae, Bejarieae
            21. Petals connate. .Phyllodoce (Ericoideae, 
           20. Leaves not ericoid, although sometimes with 
               revolute margins; often with viscin threads 
               . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
             22. Pedicel usually not articulated with 
                 flower; flowers usually zygomorphic and 
                 with spots or a blotch; bracts usually 
                 scarious; ovary ± ovoid to cylindric; 
                 perulae usually present. . . . Ericoideae, 
                 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rhodoreae p.p.
             22. Pedicel articulated with pedicel; flowers 
                 usually actinomorphic, lacking spots or a 
                 blotch; bracts usually not scarious; ovary ± 
                 globose to subglobose; perulae lacking. . . 
                 . . . . . . . Ericoideae, Phyllodoceae p.p.
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